Wednesday, February 21, 2007

DKIT Clamp Meeting

"got dreams, then at dundalk institute of Technology has a place for you".


Denis Cummins director of DKIT this week has been hit hard by the college students at protest meering yesterday. Dennis along with 2 other members faced tough questions from students in regards to the clamping issues.

At the meeting some questions were put forward regarding rebates of money, this was stated that this would be impossible. One disgruntled student pointed out that travelling to college by car is cheaper then her in a response to Mr Cummins view that why dont students use the Bus instead! This statement was volleyed back to Dennis by asking did he also commute, but his answer was not a No, but more of a 'i have' but not anymore.

Back to the student who then pointed out her car was a 10 yr old car in which she uses to get to college! In a obvious pre-thought speech which brought about lines such as "sledgehammer tactics", she ended her emotional charge with a view of "what car do you drive". Immediately a cry from the right side of the hall "A Jaguar"! The crowd exploded in rants of laughter and cheers.

Other students asked about the renewable energy plan for DKIT but only to follow their interest by pulling another rabbit of the hat for Dennis by asking if he cared so much about renewable energy and no pollution why is it okay for 50 cars every morning to drive around looking for spaces!!

Not a good day for DKIT
Not a good day for Denis

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